ISO 9001 certified and holding numerous quality accreditations, Quiri Hydromechanics has a unique know-how and can meet all your specific needs in terms of hydraulic equipment for the defense industry. Mastering all the skills related to industrial hydraulics (mechanical design, machining and qualification tests), we can meet your highest requirements and provide you with the most efficient hydraulic power units, cylinders, shock absorbers and hydraulic suspensions.

Many major players in the industry rely on our hydraulic systems and other industrial equipment.


Quiri offers a wide range of cylinders, hydraulic systems and lifting equipment specifically dedicated to the railway industry: hydraulic lifting cylinders and jacks, rerailing equipment and component test stands.

Our industrial hydraulics experts are also able to develop your tailor-made railroad equipment solution, based on your specifications and considering your constraints.


Quiri Hydromechanics designs a range of shock absorbers and hydraulic systems dedicated to the nuclear and energy industries.

Because these fields impose specific requirements on the conception of hydraulic cylinders and systems, Quiri designs a range of products specifically intended for nuclear and conventional power plants applications. Many major players in the nuclear and energy industries rely on our hydraulic power units, test benches, hydraulic hand pumps and shock absorbers.

Thanks to many years of experience in the field of industrial hydraulics, Quiri Hydromechanics has a unique know-how and advanced skills and is thus able to carry out the most complex and demanding hydraulic shock absorbers and power packs projects. Our experts can also provide you with a custom-made product solution, according to your specifications.
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